วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

computer peripherals


Computer peripherals are add-on hardware to the computer to expand its abilities or improve its performance. By adding memory, computers are able to perform a lot better, or by adding video cards, the computers graphics create more detail. These are just some of the peripherals, although there is a lot more you can put on your PC, some of them may not be compatible.
Compatibility maybe an issue to some of the peripherals and may even cause the worst outcome – the PC refuses to boot or the PC refuses to recognise the peripheral being added. The easiest way to solve that would be figuring out where it started and you can start from there.
Narrow down the problem and re-check the connections – specially the cards you just added-in. Checking the wires and screws make a difference. And everytime you install a new add-on card, and it suppose to be plug-and-play but it is not, maybe because you made a mistake in the installation process. Do not panic. Go through the whole process again and then try ones more. If still nothing is solve then maybe there might be a compatibility problem.
Technically, every piece of hardware inside your PC requires a driver to communicate and function with the operating system, the software applications, and other hardware components in your computer. Software drivers basically translate messages from and to the hardware in question and the operating system, allowing your computer system to work as a whole— theoretically. Generally, though appearances may be deceiving, any computer system is actually made up of a bunch of specialized pieces that do not communicate the low level language of other peripherals and, therefore, needs a great deal of translation to be able to talk and work effectively with them.
These facts may not solve all the hardware problems you may run into, however, they should solve a good number of them. The important thing to remember when trying to do any troubleshooting job, is that computers really are just logical devices and there is always a logical reason behind why things just not suppose to react the way they are. Finding what is that reason and then putting the right solution is not always easy, but if you approach the problem logically and work through it step-by-step, there is a very

